Health Checks
Health Check List
Additional preventative exams for senior dogs (7+ years)
It is known that 1 in 3 senior cats will develop either kidney disease, thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus. At North Maclean Family Vet, we are starting to implement a more targeted preventative care program for our senior felines, to try and pick up any early signs of disease that may not be easily picked up from the cat’s behaviours and day-to-day life.
Additional preventative exams for senior cats (7-11 years)
- Osteoarthritis check
- Annual Kidney disease screen
- Thyroid check
- Annual Blood pressure check
- Annual Urine assessment
Additional exams for senior cats (11 – 15 years)
- 6 monthly health check and physical examination
- Annual Kidney disease screen
- Annual Thyroid check
- Annual Blood pressure check
- Annual Urine assessment
- Osteoarthritis check
Additional exams for senior cats (15+ years)
- 3 monthly health check and physical examination
- 6 monthly Blood pressure check
- 6 monthly Kidney disease screen
- 6 monthly Thyroid check
- 6 monthly Urine assessment
- Osteoarthritis check
Book a health check for your pet with one of our vets